One reason why road trips are so much fun! You never know what you are going to see around the next corner. This is a house in Whycogomagh in Cape Breton.
New painting. Starlight, Starbright.... 24 x 30 on beech wood with 1.5 inch sides. For sale. This actually looks much better in real life. Can't really see details of the sleeping kitty in this size.
Could even be part of a story....."and so little Seraphina finally slept. Her tired legs could carry her no farther. She curled up into a wee ball of fluff and quickly sank into a deep and welcome place. Sometime, late in the night, a beam of starlight found the little kitten and kept her safe while she dreamed of home...."
Day 2 at Cabot Shores Wilderness Resort and it felt like we had been there for ages. This is the sort of place you can relax and let the stress flow away very quickly. We started the day with the breakfast bar although in the Bistro, cooked breakfasts are available. That's homemade granola:) Paul's mother was an amazing artist and the entire place is full of art in all mediums. I loved it.Even the chalets are full of art! Speaking of which.... the chalets! I really enjoyed all the interesting books and treasures scattered around. So interesting, you could spend a lot of time just poking about. This is a vase of eagle feathers. There are lots of eagles around here and even moose hang out behind the lodge!
One night I was out taking some pictures early in the evening and got spooked. I was sure I heard some snorting and a stomp or two and did NOT want to take a chance at coming face to face with one of those large beasts all by myself! Made a very quick dash back to the lodge. Felt quite silly when told were quite harmless. Hmmm... Can you picture me running through this old orchard to get back to the lodge! lol. This is the camp ground. Tire swing is more my speed:) Needed some down time after the wild moose run. This tipi is one of the places you can sleep. Did I mention there is a yurt available too?So cool. Love this!! One of Paul's mom's tapestries. On July 8-10th, the Cabot Shores is hosting The Good Health Festival , a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Action N. S. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Barbara runs the Gate of Life Healing Arts here year round. Accupuncture, massage, Qi Gong, meditation.... Next time I plan on enjoying some of those options. Some quiet time before this particular evening's exciting activities. Outside all is calm and peaceful. This is Tanner on the Yolo board. Serene green:) Carl with our supper!Planked salmon and lobster! Later......under the watchful eye of Carl the cook, Charley Boorman and crew did some last minute prep to the lobsters.Dr. Paul had organized a full day of lobster fishing for the Extreme Frontiers: Canada documentary crew and it started at 3am! The show is being filmed for Chanel 5 in the UK. They are traveling across the country on motorcycles and having adventures in each province. I could do that! A bit of socialising before supper. More socialising....The two women in the foreground who you can barely see are the MacInnes sisters. They come from a long line of lobster fishermen and continue on with the family business. Showed Charley and the boys a thing or two about hard work. I think they pulled 465 traps! Our gracious and warm hosts, Dr. Paul and Barbara with the Extreme Frontiers crew.I think I can speak for everyone and say that we had a lovely time! So will you if you ever find yourself here!
Our day really started once we arrived in Cape Breton. These horses entertained us while we waited for the tiny Englishtown ferry. We were all happy to have some sun! Five dollars gets you across the water and cuts several miles off the route to Indian Brook and Cabot Shores Wilderness Resort where my daughter and I were headed. We weren't the only ones excited to be traveling that day! I like the colour of his truck, matches my car:) It has been ages since I've been to Cape Breton and we were delighted to find ourselves here. The perfect spot for relaxing or being as active as you want to be. Barbara and Paul Tilson Weinberg purchased 55 acres after falling in love with Cape Breton while on holiday almost a dozen years ago.They have beenhappily pursuing their dream at Cabot Shores ever since. Not only can you stay in the lodge, there are chalets, a farmhouse, tipi and yurt to choose from. If you want to camp, there is a lovely old apple orchard to pitch your tent in. Right away we went out and about exploring. First Paul had to put away the yolo board which I was fascinated with. It is a cool sort of raft/board you stand on and use a pole to push yourself around. Like a surboard, skateboard rafty thing. Did not try it but will next time for sure. Lots of stuff to enjoy here.
Paul explaining how the 'ferry" works. You basically plop inside and pull yourself over the the beach. The beach runs for miles! Here is Cosmo, the resident pooch doing it the easy way or hard way, depending on how you look at it:) After a lot of exploring we ended back at the lodge for some lunch and then out and about again. They have just opened a "Bistro" here so anyone can drop in for a meal. Carl the cook, is an experienced chef and tells amazing stories of his adventures in the far north. Planked salmon and seafood are his speciality. Barbara is also a fabulous vegetarian cook who uses as many local ingredients as she can. Between the two of them you will never go hungry. After some yummy vegetarian chili, we headed out for more r&r. We hiked and took it all in. Next time I want to go up to see Indian Falls as we did not have time to do it in this visit. I have so much more to tell you but don't want to go on and on here so will write more in the next post:) Look at the bed! Like sleeping in a treehouse! Oh yes, and some exciting house guests arrived. Stay tuned.... Cabot Shores Wilderness Resort: part 2
Really excited!!!!! I'm headed to this place on Sunday for a couple of days! CabotShores Wilderness Resort. Click on the link to have a look and you will see why I am so chuffed! I will be writing all about it and taking LOTS of pictures. I adore Cape Breton.
What a wonderful place! Accomodations range from the lodge, a small farmhouse, a tipi, a yurt and some small chalets. So much to do, kayaking, hiking to Indian Brook falls, Chi Gong sessions, yoga, beach combing, masssage, biking, eating yummy food and of course.....just hanging out! My daughter is coming too:)
Also while we are there.....Charley Boorman will be there! Filming his new series Extreme Frontiers: Canada. I think they are to go lobster fishing, but I am told there will be a large bonfire in the evening to cook the catch and maybe story telling and music. Good times~ Fingers crossed for good weather!
Can hardly wait to share it all with you! In the meantime, I'm at the market tomorrow and Saturday.
The Ardmore Tearoom has been around since 1952 when Cormier Tennyson and his wife Norma decided to open a small restaurant on Liverpool Street. They named it after Lord Ardmore who used to own the district. The name is a bit of a misnomer because it is what I would consider a diner but that is part of it's charm. It was so successful, they opened another place on Gottingen Street. In 1958, a small drugstore on the corner of Elm Street and Quinpool Road came up for sale. Here they could live upstairs and run the restaurant below. The Tennyson's purchased it, closed the other two diners and the rest is history! Open seven days a week, the Ardmore has been serving food to high school students, taxi drivers, senior citizens, local joes, just about anybody and everybody for 53 years! A Halifax institution for sure. It is a small cozy place with no frills. The service is friendly and the food is inexpensive and tasty!It is cash only, so be forewarned. This item always makes me laugh! You can order delicious old fashioned milkshakes, roast turkey dinners, burgers, (veggie ones too), all the great food you'd expect from a successful diner.Worth a visit for sure!Come early for brunch on weekends, it is always really busy.
I was there with a good friend and lucky us, we had $20 dollar coupons to use. It was hard to spend $20 per person at the Ardmore! We each ended up ordering fish and chips to take home for the next day as well as our meals! I had a club sandwich with sweet potato fries. Sooooo good. .....and another view because the first one was so delectable:)
This is what I woke up to yesterday! What a sunrise. I loved the way the light and shadow played against my curtains and window. Every day is different. I met two bloggers at the market yesterday! They introduced themselves to me which was lovely, so nice to meet YOU!
I'm at the market again today and hope to paint. I hurt my back idea how so I am a bit wonky and protective in the way I move today. Trying to glide and then lurching as it twangs with pain. Gee whiz, there's always something! Have a good one!.
This is footage of the big storm we had last night . It was shot by Shawn Hirtle. Amazing. The storm lasted three hours non stop and the thunder was rolling on and on with the occasional BOOM and lightening was crackling. Everyone in Halifax is exhausted today, lol. I woke up with vertigo which was really strange and a bit scary. It has passed now. Wondered if it could have been from watching all the flashing?