Sensational Snap Society e-course

Monday, August 20, 2012

Did you miss me?

I missed you! I've had a busy summer and it has been hot and humid and I have really not been keeping up with all that I used to. Blogging is one of those things. I think this is the longest I have gone without writing since I began!
Last week I was at a terrific get together at this little green house by the sea. We ate delicious food, drank wine and danced outside in the fog until the wee hours! It was wonderful.
Later in the week I also met up with a friend for lunch at the Foggy Goggle.
 This is a great pub/restaurant on Argyle Street. Good food and always some Vegan selections:) I had a quinoa burger with peanut sauce. mmmm.
Check out the menu. Haha, love the description of the Goggle Burger
Like I said, it has been really hot and humid here. I cannot remember ever having a summer as warm and sunny as this one. Not complaining....winter is out there waiting. Sitting out on the patio with cool drinks was heaven. Ahhhh.
I also have been working on my season girls. This is WINTER
 and here is SPRING. They are 16 x 20 with 1" sides and available for purchase. Drop me an email if interested:) I am currently working on Autumn!