Sensational Snap Society e-course

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

night out

I went out on the town the other night and had a grand time! I was given tickets to go see Sweeny Todd at Neptune Theatre which was a nice treat, so decided to have dinner out first. We started the evening at the Wooden Monkey. This is the view from our table out over Argyle Street. A friend of mine ( hi Jenna!)  said I must try their Seitan Donair. I was a bit skeptical but wow! was it ever delicious. Hard to describe but surprisingly close to the real thing! That is it in the background. (Seitan is a wheat gluten product, first time I've tried it). A meat free donair, who knew?
We then strolled over to the theatre feeling very stuffed and satisfied. This is Neptune's 50th anniversary year. It is where I had my first job when I was 16, as an usherette. Our uniforms were horrible. Navy blue polyester sleeveless mini shifts with gold lame jackets! Ouch. 
I wasn't sure about seeing this Musical as the subject matter is a bit gruesome and weird but I am so glad I did!
 It was fabulous! I enjoyed everythiing about it. The set was small and versatile and at one point served as a screen for a cleverly done back story to the play. You will have to see it to understand what I mean.
The two main characters, Shane Carty who plays Sweeny Todd and Shelley Simester, Mrs Lovett are strong and compelling. Just loved the interaction between the two of them. The music and singing were superb. The ensemble worked well together. Really can you tell I enjoyed it? Go see it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Le Studio

Ta dah! The view from my new painting spot....at least for the next few months and then we shall see how it goes. In December, I am going to be part of a group show and needed a place to paint larger works, so one morning I decided to go on a hunt for the perfect wee studio space downtown.
I found it in a building on the corner of Sackville and Barrington Street. Above a wine bar, a sex shop and across the street from Starbucks. Ha ha. It is full of light with a north and east exposure. I LOVE it.
The paintings I am working on at the moment are 3' x 4'. A big change for me and such a different way of working. I have to stand back to really see them. Bigger brushes, more paint and more time. Having a dedicated work space is very freeing. I can leave a painting mess, come back to it and just pick up where I left off. When I want a break, I just sit back and watch the city flow beneath me:)
 My mascot:) Don't ask me why, I just liked the look of him and up on the wall he went.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Vegan Anniversary

Wow, it has been a full year since I started eating a "plant based" diet. Last year on September 1st, I embarked on this new adventure and I can't believe a year has passed already! I really had no idea if I would stick with it, I just wanted to improve my health and see how I would feel.

Well......I feel great. I've lost about 30 pounds, my blood pressure is lower, my energy is higher and I am sure my cholesterol is lower too, must be, I am eating no animal fat (haven't had it checked) It is because of all these benefits that I am still with it.

 Interesting fact: I used to LOVE cheese and could not pass a block or slice without popping some into my mouth. At bookclub, everyone would have maybe one triangle of Brie.,,,..I'd have three and while we were chatting about the book,  I'd be thinking about the cheese on the plate and wondering if any one would notice if I took another one or two. Ha, ha true confessions. Now, cheese doesn't even remotely interest me!! Weird huh? I wonder if I was addicted to it?

I eat a ton of food and enjoy wine and beer. Do not feel deprived at all. I'm not saying I will never dig into a juicy burger or German sausage again but for now.....I'm doing ok.

Debbie, the Happy Healthy Librarian is really the person I have to thank for sending me along this path. She has a wonderful info packed blog all about plant based eating and healthy living! I've learned a ton from visiting her site. Here is her latest post about calorie restriction. I'm always learning something new from her!