Sensational Snap Society e-course

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Last Day of January!

Point Pleasant Park in Halifax looking out to sea! This is one of the few paintings I have kept for myself:) A view I am very familiar with as many people here in Halifax are.

Winter is moving along. So far so good... not too cold, not too snowy, not too oppressive. Pots of veggie soup, boots left out to dry, and burrowing under warm covers at the end of the day have been par for the course.Trying to get motivated to paint has been hard. Not sure what is happening there! Once started, I enjoy it. (For the most part... as long as the image is shaping up the way I want it too, ha! ) Ive been doing lots of other things biz wise but the meat and potatoes have been pushed to the side for the last couple of months. Beans and potatoes!! I'm a Vegetarian :) Time to get back to the core of my business!!

What do you do to motivate yourself? How do you work towards your goals? What keeps you on track? The eternal questions.Those and many more....

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Shaking off the Winter Doldrums

January is always a bit of a shock to the system. Once the glow of the holidays wears off and the New Year's Resolutions have  faded, we are left with winter! Always a hard time of year for me. This year I am fighting back. I am extricating  myself from the grips of too much comfort food, too many drinks,  too much Netflix, not enough fresh air and lack of motivation. How you ask?  

I make myself tiny "to do lists"! Each night in my iPhone notes, I write a couple of healthy things to accomplish the next day that are beyond my usual winter slothishness and I set an intention to make sure I do them the next day and voila..... I am getting stuff done. Even something as simple as  "Do a plank", "drink four glasses of water";  they all add up to feeling accomplished and even though they are baby steps they add up.

I am also keeping a mini Daily review/gratitude list in my iPhone notes that I add to every night. I go through my day and choose the three best things. Sometimes it is as simple as that wonderful feeling of falling into bed at the end of the day or speaking to a friend or the way the light looked spilling through a window! You will be more mindful of your day doing this, and will find yourself looking for the good. xo

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


New Year, new intentions! Hey how are you? It's been a while. Seems like I say that each time I post :)

I've purchased a domain name and once I've got myself organized, I hope to write much more regularly and have this blog front and centre at ShelaghDuffett.com. 
Easy to say.....we shall see how easy to fulfill!
Hope you are enjoying your January!