Sensational Snap Society e-course

Monday, January 30, 2017

Golden Ginger Tumeric Lemon Fire Tea!

It's that time of year.......sniff , sniff.....hack. This is my secret weapon and I am sharing it with you! My special healing tea elixir. Full of good stuff.
First fill a saucepan with water. Then take some ginger and grate a LOT into the water. For 4 cups maybe 3" of ginger; if you don't want to grate it you can cut into coins and drop into H2O. This is all to taste so if you like more ginger, add more next time or less.
This tea has a real zing and heat to it. I know this pic looks kind of weird but that's the grated ginger in the water. Next add 1/2 TBSP of organic Tumeric.
Whisk together. The spice floats on top.
Add a grated clove of garlic! Has great anti viral properties.
Squeeze half a lemon in it or more...
Then simmer it all for about five minutes.
Strain and enjoy with a tsp of maple syrup or honey for sweetener. If it is too strong, add some plain water to your cup. I also continue to add water to the main tea mixture through day and re-simmer as needed.  ( I also add a couple of cardamom pods to the tea as it simmers, but that is completely optional)
Beautiful Kick Ass Golden Immune Booster Fire Tea! Thank-you, thank you very much :)

Friday, January 6, 2017


I have an affinity with people born during these first of weeks of January. Winter babes that arrive in the sharp harsh lull after the festivities of December and bright start of a New Year. Entering during the season of long dark nights and brilliant icy days.

In January people are tired, broke and turn inward. Relieved. Gathering resources. Settling in to face the frozen months. Minimal celebration attends birthdays in early January and January babes are okay with that. They've got their own awareness of season. They are "chill"

Of course all that goes out the window if born in the Southern Hemisphere:)

Alan Watts, born January 6. One of my favourite philosophers. An early January babe! (Today was also Joan of Arc's birthday.)

Watts believed in the unity of all things.

"Individual people, nations, animals, insects, and plants do not exist in or by themselves. This is not to say only that things exist in relation to one another, but that what we call “things” are no more than glimpses of a unified process. Certainly, this process has distinct features which catch our attention, but we must remember that distinction is not separation. Sharp and clear as the crest of the wave may be, it necessarily “goes with” the smooth and less featured curve of the trough. … 

Nothing exists independently from anything else.... this is an interesting video on life..and death...... ( the background music is a bit much but I like his concepts)