Isn't this just the perfect gull in flight? I was taking a picture of the rosy dawn last Saturday at the Seaport Farmers Market and this wee gull posed absolutely perfectly as he sailed past the window! I snapped just as he flew into my frame. One of those happy accidents. This time of year I get to see all the sunrises across the harbour as I set up for the day. Each one is different and they are all lovely.... even the grey ones:)

Here are just a few of my market morning views:)

ALWAYS beautiful...........

Don't forget to turn back the clock tomorrow night.

This is Hangman's beach....see the tiny lighthouse at the end of the spit?

Golden hues

Just last week

Dawn is one of my favorite times of day...things are still groggy eyed but coming to life...Lovely photos!
These are really good photographs. The first one is excellent. The orange and gold of the sunrise. That slightly odd rippled cloud pattern. The bird in flight.
Regarding "happy accidents": despite a technical understanding of photography, and making the most of one's camera, a good photograph often involves a large element of luck.
Shelagh, I'm the Phil you swapped messages with, back in 2008, when we were both using VOX as our blogging platform. I'm now back flowing blogs again. Like yours, some from VOX, who have now moved to new a service after VOX closed. And some completely new. I'm actually using Bloglovin ( www.bloglovin.com ) to follow them. It's a very good tool.
Take care. Phil.
Oh my - how beautiful! I'm currently living in the US but will be moving back home to Canada next year. Halifax is on my short list of places I might move to. These photos just moved it up a few spaces!
what stunning photographs :-) and such a beautiful place to watch the sun rise each day!
Each and every photos is gorgeous!
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