Doesn't that look pretty? One day last week a friend and I went out for a small hike and a visit to Pavia Gallery Esspresso Bar and Cafe . This is a place I have been wanting to visit for AGES but just never seemed to find the time. Disgraceful really because it is not very far from where I live! It is named after a small town in Northern Italy.
You can find it at the juncture of Herring Cove Road and Purcell's Cove Road. We were there on a sunny Thursday afternoon and it was quite a bustling little spot. People coming and going. That is my big black bag getting it's fifteen minutes of fame, didn't even see it in this pic!
Mmmm, treats..
The cafe always has an exhibit up on the walls. This one was fascinating! UK artist Ian Gilson who now lives in Herring Cove, has his first show in Canada. Read a review about it here. Photographer Alison Sanford also has some pictures on display in a little gallery at the back of the cafe.
Each of the wee boxes holds a tiny skeleton diorama. So curious and intriguing to look at.

Say Hi to Christopher Webb, the owner of this friendly cafe and a great artist in his own right. He is manning the super duper coffee console. I have to say, the coffee is AMAZING. They bring it in from Florence, Italy. Mokaflor is a small family coffee roasting business and Pavia are the only distributers in Canada. SO delicious.

Aah, can't you feel that salty fresh air and hear the surf?
You can find it at the juncture of Herring Cove Road and Purcell's Cove Road. We were there on a sunny Thursday afternoon and it was quite a bustling little spot. People coming and going. That is my big black bag getting it's fifteen minutes of fame, didn't even see it in this pic!
Mmmm, treats..

Each of the wee boxes holds a tiny skeleton diorama. So curious and intriguing to look at.

Say Hi to Christopher Webb, the owner of this friendly cafe and a great artist in his own right. He is manning the super duper coffee console. I have to say, the coffee is AMAZING. They bring it in from Florence, Italy. Mokaflor is a small family coffee roasting business and Pavia are the only distributers in Canada. SO delicious.
Add what did I have for lunch? Roasted veggie panini!
After our little interlude at Pavia, we then drove around the corner to the Herring Cove lookoff and enjoyed a lovely walk along the coast.
Again, I wonder why I don't do this more often! (no excuse)That's a house on the bottom left.

Aah, can't you feel that salty fresh air and hear the surf?