Sensational Snap Society e-course

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Love this picture! 1912 or so. From the Library of Congress Flickr Archives. You can find the most interesting pics there. This is Evelyn Nesbit. About 25 years old in this pic. She was a notorious chorus girl who had relationships with Stanford White, John Barrymore, & the rather unstable Mr. Thaw. During a performance one night, her ex husband, Thaw shot Stanford White, her ex lover, in the face three times, killing him instantly. Stanford white was 47 when he started seeing Nesbit who was 16! Imagine!


  1. Look how gorgeous, I love her hat! Love your artwork too :)

  2. Fascinating! She was notorious for her times,wasn't she? Something one dosn't think happened in those days.


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