Sensational Snap Society e-course

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Alice and the Pyschedelic Dream

Original available on eBay Print here

Just finished this and I am wiped. I tend to start a painting and work at it until done. By the end of it I'm a zombie:) I sometimes start and do a just bit, but rarely. I am thinking I should try it more often.

Now I am off to have a bite to eat and read:) My reward!


  1. I bet you are wiped out-whew! Amazing details and colors-just beautiful!

  2. Another beautiful painting! Your work is so cheery and bright.
    Happy Valentines Day!

  3. Ahhhhhh Shelagh I love this! I wish I had one of your prints to hang on my wall here in SK! Maybe I'll ask mom if she'd be able to put one in my next care package ;)

  4. wow this is so magical. One day when my daughter has a room!!! i want to fly you over to paint her walls!!!!!!!!!!

  5. OMG - this is AMAZing!! I love love LOVE it! :)

  6. I love your stuff!!! That is truly awesome...

  7. I love all of the colors in this piece.

  8. Have you ever done a painting of Anne of Green Gables? I would totally buy it?

  9. You deserve a reward! WOW! Look at Alice so tiny...love it!
    Come to my blog I am having an art box giveaway...see you!

  10. Oh I love this one.....so cheerful, so colorful, so springie....


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