Sensational Snap Society e-course

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Earth Hour.....

Just a reminder Earth Hour tonight. Turn out your lights at 8:30 for one hour. From Australia, India to Paris and beyond... Pyramids were in the dark, Eiffel tower shut her lights and I will too.
You can learn more here and read it live on twitter.
The elephant here is a teapot my daughter gave me for Christmas!


  1. NYC participated too -- the lights went out on Times Square and the Empire State Building.

    I took a nap but as you can see I'm back online :-)

  2. I have just come across your blog. WOW!! what a feast for the eyes! so glad I found it.

  3. Elephants are my favorite and that is so adorable!

    I wish I would have read this earlier so I could have done my part with the rest of the world. I guess I'll just have to make it up to Ms. Earth tomorrow night instead : )


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