Sensational Snap Society e-course

Sunday, July 12, 2009

"Baby I'm amazed...."

Paul leaving the final sound check in the afternoon. The hand waving through the window on the opposite side is my daughter's!! How bizarre that I would snap a picture of the two of them waving:) We were walking to the concert and just happened to be in the right place at the right time. It was a remarkable show.
I will post some more pics later. Tired this morning:)


  1. Chee hoo!!!! How exciting for you guys! Can't wait for the "scoop"!

  2. Omg, how wonderful!! I'm so jealous!

  3. can't wait to hear about it - and this is a fantastic catch with the two waves.

  4. What an amazing photo! Thanks for the update. I can hardly wait until they get to Atlanta in August!

  5. That is the coolest picture!! Talk about luck! Can't wait to read your next post.

  6. That is a once in a lifetime shot for a once in a lifetime experience. Sounds like you had a great time.


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