Sensational Snap Society e-course

Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday again

Isn't it marvelous how light can transform! This stopped me in my tracks the other day and I had to go find my camera. My kitchen counter turned into art:)

Not much light today......rain turned snow, then sleet and now back to rain...
Sun is forecast for the weekend so this will all be gone again, and I can get those leaves raked up and tidied away for the winter. I tend to not bother raking until all the leaves are down, do it in one big sweep:)

Went to the symphony last night! What a treat:) Thanks Tammi.
Have a great weekend!


  1. What a lovely shot! Amazing how the ordinary can become extraordinary when given the proper lift.
    So glad you could join me! I vow to go see the symphony on a more regular basis :)

  2. That photo could be a Renaissance still life (except for the toaster in the back of course, LOL!)

  3. Ver beautifull photo!!! and blog too! :)

  4. How I love it when something so seemingly insignificant stops us in our tracks. I agree with Debra - totally like a renaissance still life! Just beautiful :-)

  5. Such a painterly still life. Gorgeous.

    I'm so glad the package arrived safely!! I'm sure you can go ahead and open it!!

  6. hi i was just browsing when i came upon your blog....you have lovely photographs and i really enjoyed reading it :)


  7. Shelagh, that looks like a fine still life painting! Hard to believe it is REAL..lol!

    Have a good weekend!

    Hugs, Pat

  8. Beautiful counter space. Mine never looks quite that tidy.


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