Sensational Snap Society e-course

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Boxing Day

Well, here we are on the other side! Another Christmas dusted off and filed on the memory shelves. One of my presents was an iPod nano!!! Yay! I'm late coming into the mp3 business. This one is great because I can also listen to my beloved CBC radio if I want, something I enjoy doing as I walk. Walking is what I plan on doing more of as Jan 30th looms closer. Cross training:) I have to take off all those extra chocolate, cheese, wine, dip, crackers,trifle, gravy pounds I put on over the last week. Yikes, really, I am not kidding, but they sure were tasty:)

December Views


  1. The two crystal balls are very interesting! I have two of a good size as well. I hope I showed them to you.

  2. Know what you mean about the resolution making... what a magic photo of your brother's house! Hope you had a good one. X


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