Sensational Snap Society e-course

Friday, January 29, 2010


Well, this is it! Tomorrow is BustaMove! 6 hours of exercise, two world records to break, Richard Simmons and a whole lot of fun! Really looking forward to it:) We are spending tonight in a hotel next to the venue just for some added excitement. Registering late this afternoon and then out for supper with the "team" and onward ho! As a team of ten we have raised nearly $12,000. THANKS !

Today is a winter wonderland . White on white. It has been snowing all night and continues to do so. I see shoveling in my future:)

Have a great weekend:)


  1. Good luck this weekend. I will be thinking of you all. It sounds like such great fun! Enjoy!
    Peace, Namaste,

  2. Have a wonderful weekend1.. love the sneaks. :-)

  3. Wooooo! I love Richard Simmons! Have fun!

  4. Woot Woot.... enjoy and Bust A Move!! When I was in NYC for the Marathon last year I went to the Greenwich Village Halloween Parade... they had about 100 Richard Simmons look a likes doing exercise moves!!!
    Good Luck, Happy Shoveling, Tail Wags & have a blast.
    PS...don't forget to register for my give away.

  5. Woot-woo well done! and lovin those shoes.



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