Sensational Snap Society e-course

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Market Sunrise

Brr it was cold this morning. Hard to get up and out so early in the morning but look what I was rewarded with! Another glorious dawn. A small fishing boat motored past heading in from sea. There were some gulls swooping about. Only me out there on the balcony enjoying the view. It was a great start to the day. I'm tired now, always tired on Saturday after market. Will be back again tomorrow:)


  1. Beautiful pics, hope your saturday markets are doing well -

  2. Shelagh this is a gorgeous sunrise! I often drag myself out of bed in the morning to do my daily walk in the park but I never regret it once I do it! :) Have a wonderful day!

  3. That is such a beautiful sight, Shelagh.


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