Sensational Snap Society e-course

Thursday, February 17, 2011

spash of colour

This is the home of my good friend! I always feel cheered when I come to visit.

Full of life and colour.

These are the hands of her family and one dog paw:)

Lots of great meals happen here.

There is a wee porch off the kitchen.

Her husband is of Greek origin so lots of interesting Mediterranean touches.

Look at the colour of that fireplace!

I love this! These old windows replace curtains.

We're trapped and we can't get out....

I hope you enjoyed this colourful peek into her lovely home!

It fills my artist's heart with joy.

The best for last:)


  1. Oh that goofy cat! What a wonderful, vibrant home!

  2. Wow!! It's really fantastic!! I do love it.

  3. Oh wow!! Does she have a guest room that I could rent?!! Seriously, this is beautiful

  4. loving all the colours, especially the back-splash in their kitchen. Thnx for sharing!

  5. You are the most amazing photographer! I do believe this is my house- and I've never, ever seen it in this light.WOW!!

  6. I LOVE homes like this...so much to look at, I would be visiting all day!

  7. I covet that fireplace. And that cat.

  8. Your friend's home reminds me of the one that belonged to Canadian actress Cynthia Belliveau (remember her as the original Hunny on Wind at My Back?) when it was profiled in a magazine. So colourful and lovely you just wanted to be there!
    I find that bright colours such as in these houses are wonderful to visit, but when I've painted my own interiors in a bright hue I quickly tired of it and wanted to repaint much sooner than when my rooms are painted in pastels or lighter tones. I don't know how common that is but am curious to know whether it is.
    Anyway, it's a gorgeous home. Surely you'd feel good, just being in it.

  9. These pictures make me smile. What a gorgeous house x

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  11. Hello! I just wanted you to know that you're my OWOH winner. I emailed you. Please check it now.

  12. Such cheery colours! I love the kitty the best :)

  13. Very cheery and colourful. I especially love the Greek street scene painting.

  14. What a feast for my eyes. I can't stop looking at the pictures of this gorgeous home. Wow. Let me go have another look! That cat at the end is hilarious.. his eyes must've turned that way after living with so much colour for so long ;o)

    I used to rent a place in Downtown Dartmouth which was painted like this on the outside. They were artisans and it was such a pleasure to come home to those colours everyday :)

  15. Certainly a vibrant and lively home. Looks like there is a feeling of jubulance in every corner.

  16. Thank you so very much for sharing your friend's home with us! It is so fun! What a feast for the eyes! I enjoyed every photo. The cat made me laugh out loud. I'm going back for a second look at all of them.


  17. i love it,really needed to see this today I hope my own place looks half as good one day.


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