Sensational Snap Society e-course

Monday, March 28, 2011

tooting my horn:)

I just got my copy of Work/Life 2, published by Uppercase magazine

I've really enjoyed poking through it and getting inspired. Here is my write up and interview.

Very pleased and grateful to be a part of this, makes me feel like I am part of a creative tribe.


  1. I'm glad to hear you're tooting your own horn. Sometimes that's hard to do, but this is pretty amazing and deserved the attention.

  2. Super! I like that collage of your photos and art!

  3. lovely! and what a story to open your life story! ;) xo

  4. Congratulations Shelagh! This was a wonderful piece! Your reputation as a wonderful folk artist is growing and I hope this article will lead to even more publicity and good opportunities for you in the future! {[ Hugs}}

  5. Well, a huge congratulations on being interviewed for the publication. Thanks for posting the interview. I love your work - probably because it is so bright.

  6. That's just all kinds of awesome!

  7. Congrats Shelagh! Great feature.

  8. Toot away! You deserve it!

    By the way, I was interested to read that you and your family came to Canada on the Empress of Scotland. My family came over on the Empress of Britain! And I think my mum was seasick a lot, too!

  9. I am so happy that you shared this with us - what a wonderful write up and great photos. So very happy for you...

  10. Hey Seeetie!! This is so neat! I know a star xoxoxoxo cec

  11. Hi everyone! Thanks for all your kind words. It really is a thrill to see things in print:)

  12. I would toot my own horn too if I were as talented as you! I love the opening anecdote about coming into NS with a "bang"! How funny! You couldn't have hit your head too hard bc you're doing pretty well for yourself now ;)

  13. What an exciting post! Congratulations.


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