Sensational Snap Society e-course

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

this painting needs a title

Here is another painting for the New Brunswick show:) 16 x 20. Summer is getting closer. Spring is only 4 days away.
Just for fun....any title ideas?


  1. I have a feeling it is going to be hard to choose a title from any I receive:) Thanks!

  2. "Morning Song"

    I can almost hear all the sheep and birdies and kitties wishing each other a fresh morning and a happy new springtime!

  3. ...or maybe "Springtime", "Hello, Good Morning!", "Happy Spring!", "Has anyone seen Mr. Bunny?", "Miss Picket on the Hill","Three Little Sheep", "The Cat and the Quilt", "A Day in the Life".... oh boy I could keep going and going :)

  4. Three Sheeps to the Wind

  5. Ha,these are great!
    3 Sheeps to the Wind <love it!

  6. lol i think that one wins in my book!

  7. "Blue House"

    Sign: April in Halifax

  8. I already submitted but would like to withdraw it (lol) and vote for "three sheep to the wind" - suits the painting well and while I don't know you personally I think it may suit your sense of humour - what fun - maybe we can name all your paintings nancy

  9. I vote for the "Three Sheeps to the Wind" whimsy is always good. What are the dates again - am I coming with you? cec

  10. Baa Baa Gold Sheep or
    On Golden Hill


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