Sensational Snap Society e-course

Thursday, April 28, 2011

How does your garden grow?

Here is another painting destined for the Witherstone Gallery in Lunenburg. 8 x 24 . It is in a simple black frame and looks great! The darker the weather, the brighter my paintings seem to get. lol. We have had a string of rainy days, but it is making the grass electric green so that is a good thing!

Tonight my mom,daughter and I are going to see Memphis, the broadway play we saw last year. There is a special showing of it up at a local movie theatre and I am really looking forward to that. It won last year's Tony award for best musical.
I'm also looking forward to some popcorn! Can't watch a film without it.


  1. Beautiful!! It's been grey and gloomy here, too, so the splash of colour is much appreciated.

  2. what a bright and happy painting! you would never know you painted this amongst dreary weather...looks like you have found your way to add your own sunshine!

  3. This is one that I quite adore -- a step away from your usual, with the rectangular shape. I think you've definitely hit on something!


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