Sensational Snap Society e-course

Friday, May 13, 2011

cat nap

Monty, sound asleep! Really!! He was lying in front of a heater and my daughter pulled him onto her lap and then slowly laid back. He stayed there. It was so funny! Here is another angle, you can see the contentment on his face. Silly cat!


  1. What a cute picture. Cats are so cuddly sometimes -- He's adorable.

  2. Those are great photos. I swear some of them are made of jelly.

  3. HAHA that is hilarious, I just had to comment. I just love cats, they are so entertaining sometimes

  4. It is just amazing when they trust us so much. Really cute.

  5. hysterically funny! i desperately needed a good laugh. this photo could win a contest or be used in yoga advertising.

    Great post!

  6. HAHA! That must be one of the best things I have seen in awhile. Such a big kitty!



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