Sensational Snap Society e-course

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thunder and lightening

This is footage of the big storm we had last night . It was shot by Shawn Hirtle. Amazing. The storm lasted three hours non stop and the thunder was rolling on and on with the occasional BOOM and lightening was crackling. Everyone in Halifax is exhausted today, lol. I woke up with vertigo which was really strange and a bit scary. It has passed now. Wondered if it could have been from watching all the flashing?


  1. Don't know about you but the storm here was much, MUCH louder! I mean the booming was crazy but I love the visuals in the video. They're saying it was one of the wildest and biggest storms to have hit the region in decades. I bet all that ionized air might have been a little much for you Shelagh. I do hope you're feeling better now.

  2. Wow! That's something to behold! We don't get those kind of storms here. When I was a kid in Toronto they used to scare the heck out of me...still do a bit when I see one. Vertigo could be from the low pressure in the air. I get that sometimes on really dreary, grey, rainy days.

  3. I love a good storm when I am warm and dry. The midwestern part of the U.S. has its fair share. The poor people on the west coast don't know what they are missing.


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