Sensational Snap Society e-course

Thursday, August 18, 2011

South Shore bound

Headed to Lunenburg this morning. I feel like I have hardly been with you guys in blogland lately. So busy. Oh and in other news....Monty has fleas :(


  1. have fun in lunenburg...will you get to see anna? poor monty, he has my sympathy! i hate fleas and mosquitos!

  2. Oh Monty! What the hell have you been up to, that you've now got fleas?

  3. Who has Monty been associating with?? Poor guy...when they have plagued our Graysea, I had to resort to the VERY expensive Advantix drops only available at the vet. Hate to use those chemicals but they were last resort and worked like magic. One treatment did the trick.
    Enjoy your trip to the South Shore.

  4. We were over in Kentville today. Next time you come down this way, let me know....would love to meet you for lunch or a coffee or something!

  5. Wasn't it a perfect sojourn!
    Did you get the drops for Monty?


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