Sensational Snap Society e-course

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Photography e-Course

Yesterday I had to make a quick run to Truro. On my way back home I was compelled to stop and take some pictures. The last hurrahs of Autumn were calling to me. I took a little detour and then got lost in the pleasure of taking photographs.

Really, it is my passion. I lose track of time and all that exists is me and my subject. Sometimes I get so "focused" (excuse the pun) on what I am doing, I forget my surroundings and who might be around. Luckily nothing untoward has ever come of that.

Photography is probably one of the best de-stressers I can think of. At least for me:)A true escape. Of course it can be a bit of a pain for anyone with me, because I always have my camera and when a shot "presents" itself. I HAVE to snap. My family and friends are used to it now:) I am sure a lot of you feel the same way.

and....speaking of photography......( funny about that) .......

My next Sensational Snap Photography e-course starts on November 11th and runs for 6 weeks. It is a "no pressure" let's have fun with taking pictures and try some exercises to improve our photographic eye, sort of course. You can do it alone or participate.

PS If you are here via Suzie's, leave a comment letting me know!


  1. nothing beats autumn as a model for photos. she spreads out her glory everywhere. still beautifully warm here in ontario. wish i could take the course but i am taking one with susannah conway right now. next time!

  2. Your composition is perfect. Not that I know anything. Just in my opinion. Sigh. I will have to take a pass on your course for now. I need to get a good camera first.
    Gee, you can paint AND photograph. Double gifted.

  3. Hi Shelagh,
    Suzie the Foodie sent me :)
    Love your fall shots. I wish our weather was co-operating for a more colorful fall.

  4. I've been sent here by Suzie the Foodie! :)
    And now I'm a new follower! :D

  5. I'll try to participate if I can access my laptop regularly. I've been having such a lovely adventure here in Ireland, "Playing Hookey"
    Love, M.


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