Sensational Snap Society e-course

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Hope you have a happy holiday.... this is a little corner store near me:)


  1. Yowza! They're in the Christmas spirit, aren't they? Have a glorious day!

  2. Wow! What a fantastic light display! Lucky you for having it so close, and great photography skillz going on here!
    Merry, Merry Christma, Shelagh! Hope your day is everything you want it to be!

  3. Love that store...so very festive! Have a very merry merry day + no colds for 2012! Tail wags,

  4. oh, goodness... I love that display.

    Thanks for the goodies (rec'd them Fri but opened them today). Sorry I couldn't get you PB flour... maybe someone else will start stocking it.

    Hope you're having a wonderful holiday!!

  5. This takes me back a couple years...I used to live just a few streets over and I recognized the picture almost immediately. I must take a jaunt over to this area of town sometime...I miss it.


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