Sensational Snap Society e-course

Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday bits

Such bold and beautiful skies. This is Cogswell Street looking west. 
Just got back from the gym. Did a Zumba class, wow, those are fun but tiring. Gotta keep these bones moving. Exercising to music really does make the time fly and workouts seem easier. Ever put on some tunes and just boogie in the living room? I do that too. Ha, ha nice mental picture, right? Whatever works.

I'm busy planning what to do with my business year. How do I want it to look, what do I want to do, what do my customers want, where shall I sell, what shall I sell and how. Lots of ideas. I will be putting together a survey soon and would love it if you could answer some questions for me. It will be confidential of course, none will know who you are including me:)

Tomorrrow is another market day, really early morning for me. It is supposed to be warm and sunny. Hooray. We had one of those surprise March snowstorms the other day and I am anxious to see all the snow melted. I need some spring flowers:) That's the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia below.


  1. thought you might appreciate this article about the UK's "worst" photographer: http://web.orange.co.uk/article/quirkies/Britains_worst_photographer_named

    aahh, maan, your commenter keeps denying my wordpress id, again.

  2. I have some of your prints, and I am a quilter. I keep thinking what amazing quilts they would make. The round patterns in the water, the trails on the stars, could be the quilting lines.
    And I was going to make a tote online, but your 3 designs were not able to be used to make totes.
    Just some comments. Can't wait for the survey.

  3. Just went back to Zazzle, and I am impressed that you have more designs posted. I will try late this week to see if I can make a tote bag. Thanks!


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