Sensational Snap Society e-course

Friday, March 2, 2012


Hooray it is March! There's the bold Monty surveying his domain. I am procrastinating. I have  much work to do and am dilly dallying here. Did you know that there are a ZILLION beautiful and interesting blogs out there??? So much to see, so little time. Really, I almost get overwhelmed with all there is to see and learn on the internet. Some people have such lovely blogs and there are more and more of them daily! Whats a gal to do? Signing off now or I will never get anything done. Have a great day!


  1. LOL I know what you mean. I haven't tempted myself to look at new ones lately, I spend enough time on here. And yes, I'm procrastinating today too.

    have a great weekend~

  2. Monty is magnificent! Felines of all sizes are wonderful. :) I am a procrastinator extraordinaire. Especially on Fridays. And yes, there are many beautiful blogs out there and yours is definitely one of them! I love it. Have a fabulous weekend..

  3. For some light relief here is a funny about procrastination

  4. OK everyone, what are you doing here! Get back to work:)
    Carol, thanks for sharing.
    Yes, Monty is a handsome fellow, he knows it too:)

  5. I would love some blog recommendations, Shelagh. Send or post some of your favourites.

  6. Monty is a handsome, handsome tabby & that is a gorgeous photo - thank you so much for food & diet info - will be in touch soon xo S & les Gang

  7. Thanks for the comments on my purrrrfectly handsome boy. I won't tell him, might go to his head.


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