Sensational Snap Society e-course

Saturday, October 6, 2012


This is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. I am grateful for so many things. One of which is you, my dear readers. I have been an often absent blogger this summer and I am not sure what that is all about but I want you to know that I do feel like I have been neglecting you. Makes me sort of sad. I have been writing so consistently these last years that not writing as often feels like a failure of sorts. Weird huh? I miss my time here but have not been able to find it as often. I do have some stories in the pipeline and hope to blog more frequently.( Have you heard that before? :)) We shall see......... in the meantime, know that I do appreciate and value you. Hope  the rest of your weekend is grand. xo


  1. I think I understand what you're saying. I'm rather new to your blog but I do miss your posts. Sometimes our energy is better spent in that out there world though.

  2. I have missed your posts, but I am also not posting as often since last spring. There are seasons for everything....right?!

    Happy Thanksgiving Day! What would this world be like if we had Thanksgiving Day Every Single Day of the year! We need to live in a spirit of Thanksgiving!!!

    God's blessings on you today and always my blog friend! ♥♥♥

  3. Dear blogger friend, Happy Thanksgiving. It is a lovely autumn in Tennessee (where I am writing from) and I can imagine today as a beautiful day of Thanksgiving.

    Recently I have been reading a lot of short ebooks from Jeff Goins a writer in Nashville. I thought of him as I was reading your blog post today about having an absence from writing.

    You may be interested: http://goinswriter.com/

    Blessings! Catherine

  4. Gee, you have a new studio, you are creating a new type of painting, on top of life. I am always interested in your posts, and understand that creativity and life come first.
    Happy Thanksgiving, late.

  5. You have not been absent -- just not frequent. And you never have to apologize to me for that.

    I had a lovely Thanksgiving weekend and hope you had the same.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving (a day late) to you, too! I always look forward to reading your posts, but I know how much time it takes to create them. So I'll just enjoy them whenever you have time to post new ones!

  7. A beautiful sunset. I have recently found your blog and really enjoy discovering your work and city.

  8. Nice to see an update. I keep posting & lurking but not giving many comments. I'm trying to amend that now that I have a couple of free minutes.


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