Sensational Snap Society e-course

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Art Saves Lives

Wow o wow! This is Corbin, a student who was not too cool on school until his teacher discovered his amazing artistic talents. She thought he might be interested in my paintings because he loves colour and detail so they sat down and had a look at them. He was enthralled and inspired to create one of his own using several of mine as a guide.

 This is Corbin holding a "painting" (actually markers) that he and Sue McKean his teacher made using about ten of my paintings. Can you see the Peggy's Cove influence, the birdhouses, the wee boats and lights from my bunny painting, the cat on the fence and the cat in the moon? It was fun to find all the components Corbin  put together. He is a grade 5 student at Meadowfields Community School in Yarmouth and rocks!! I might have to paint a copy of this Duffett mash-up:) Great work Corbin!!!


  1. Love the flower faces and the sheep. He's done a great job.

  2. 5th grade, yes, wow! He looks like a very talented kid whose work I will never be able to afford some day.

  3. That is so cool! Corbin is a talented kid and how wonderful that your art is his muse!

  4. Such a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing. Way to go Corbin! And a big hug and thanks to such a wonderful teacher and to you for being so inspiring!

  5. I know!!! This story inspire me too:)

  6. WOW, I really love reading your blog. It's so nice to see young artists like Corbin blooming with patience and understanding. Great job Corbin! Your painting is awesome! It must really feel rewarding to inspire talent in others. As an art teacher ( in past years) and an artist myself I know how important it is to have encouragement and patience when you want to create or should I say Need to create :)


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