Sensational Snap Society e-course

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Catalphabet!! A Book in the Making....

I've been working away on a children's book recently. An alphabet primer called Catalphabet. It  has been a really fun project and harder than one might imagine. Alliteration that is interesting, not too simple and relates to the pictures takes work:) Fun though.
I made a VERY rough mock up to see if it might actually work as a book and yes, I am pleased with it. I've shared it with a few people and they have had positive things to say. With an editor and proper layout it will look great! I am trying to decide whether to self-publish, look for an agent or contact a publishing company directly. Wondering if any of you reading have experience or advice? I have talked to a few people already and am still weighing pros and cons. Any advice??
ALSO.....this is happening in two weeks! People are registering (Yay!) so if you want a spot, act soon!!! REGISTER HERE  or email me if you prefer not to register online or have any questions.


  1. I'm self-publishing, but anticipate very small, niche audiences and next to no income. Your art is your living and with so much beautiful artwork in the book, it seems like you might benefit both in terms of quality and exposure to have benefit of agent and/or publisher. I've heard that publishers (in the US anyway) no longer accept unsolicited work from authors. On the other hand, self-publishing will get your work out there ever so much sooner, I'd think. Good luck with your book. It looks lovely (naturally).

  2. Thanks Mountain Home! There really is so much to consider. I want to make the right choice and not rush into it. Good luck with your book!!

  3. I would love it if you self-published an adult coloring book of some of your luscious kitty designs. I would buy one in a minute! I love your work. This book looks amazing. I live in the US. I'd have to mail order.

  4. Hi Linda, Thanks. That's a good idea:) I would hope to have my book distributed in the US as well as Canada.

  5. I was I. A writing group in Daskatchewan for fifteen years. One of our members became a very successful writer of children's books. I think she may have been one of the first to do a children's alphabet book. It was called A Prsirie Alphabet by Jo Bannatyne Cugnet. She did the text and Yvette Moore did the pictures. I think you idea has much potential. No harm in trying some publishers first. They went on to collaborate on several more books. All done by Tundra Books. There is a book published with a listing of all publishers and I am sure you can find it in the writing section of the library. Friedan in Manitoba are a good place for self publishing quality books. Good luck.


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