Sensational Snap Society e-course

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Sensational Snap Society e-course July 3 2016

Hey it is Sensational Snap Society time again!
I'm running my FUN, no pressure, no experience, even a phone will do, just a creative spirit needed.... 
PHOTOGRAPHY eCOURSE  starting Sunday July 3, finishing Aug 17.
A few hundred people have taken this course over the years and it has always been a joy to see everyone's efforts. Open worldwide! Learn more about it HERE
PS. The photographer in the top picture is Louis Mendes

1 comment:

  1. dunno if i'll actually participate but i signed up so that i have the option.

    in other news: can you post pics of your most recent painting class? i'm supposed to attend one for work and want to do your painting instead of the crap the place is offering (seriously.. it's awful)


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