Sensational Snap Society e-course

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Allow Yourself the Uncomfortable Luxury of Changing Your Mind...

This has been a very hard year for me. For many people.
I am happy to see the end of it.
It is a struggle to stay in the present, work on change, make positive constructive choices.  KNOWING what the right choice is be can be a struggle. Do no harm. To who?  Myself, people in my life, the world, the future? What is most important? How can choices I make have only positive impact all around? What is most important?

I play tricks with myself. Self talk. I talk myself into something, I talk myself out of something. I think and rethink, and overthink. I get tangled in knots.

"Regret, remorse, guilt, sorrow, grief — whatever the emotional residue may be, we go there.  We go there again and again, even though going there changes nothing" -Dani Shapiro.  Going there changes nothing, and yet why do we do it? We want to see something that we missed that will turn everything around.... 

What I have to do is move forward. Move towards a brighter future. One day, one thought at a time. Starting here in the present.

From Maria Popova 
Allow yourself the uncomfortable luxury of changing your mind. It’s enormously disorienting to simply say, “I don’t know.” But it’s infinitely more rewarding to understand than to be right — even if that means changing your mind about a topic, a situation, an ideology, or, above all, yourself. 

So here's to moving forward, where ever it might take us .... XO


  1. I enjoyed your post this morning, it touched a nerve in me I guess and as always your photography truly inspires one.

    Thanks, Shari


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