Sensational Snap Society e-course

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Coincidental Connections

This is my art on the cover of Lesley Crewe's latest book! 

Totally cool happenstance. I sell my work on a few "Microstock" sites and pretty much forget that I have art and images out there that are selling worldwide. I never know where they go. Well, sometimes I have stumbled across one or two, most notably one on Jamie Oliver's   website and the Philadelphia International Flower show used one on their poster, Oh and one was published in a book on Fashion through the Ages....and then there was a journal company in Brazil that used one, and one was used in a school textbook published in Hong Kong. (hmm I guess I know of more than I realized)  I get a check every few months and that is great, and I go back to my forgetting..

A couple of months ago I got an email from the Art Director at Nimbus which is an Atlantic Canada based publishing company. She told me she had picked my art for the cover of Lesley's' new book and not to be surprised when I start seeing it in bookstores and ads. She had chosen it from a Microstock site where images can be from anywhere in the world, liked liked mine  a lot and purchased it. She decided to research the creator and was delighted to discover I was a LOCAL artist!!  What a nice surprise to discover I was just down the street!

So I now have a copy ready to read thanks to Heather Bryan the art director. Lesley Crewe found me also as a result and now is a facebook friend and has some of my prints to brighten her wall! Happy all round.... 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Shelagh! I have read the book. As soon as I saw the cover I thought of you and turned to the credit page to check. Nice to hear about happenstances like this!


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