My friend M said "Hey! Ive got just the thing" She disappeared inside and came out with a large piece of black foam core and proceeded to fan the wimpy flames.
I stopped her and said what on earth is that, who are they and where did it come from?
She said "Isnt it interesting! I have no idea who they are and didn't have the heart to throw it out. It arrived with my things after I moved here.
She had put her furniture in storage in Vancouver in 2011 and went to Ireland. The next year she had them shipped to Kingston, Ontario where they sat again in storage for a couple of years and then here to Nova Scotia. Some things were broken and some missing and then there was this picture of a smiling couple with well wishes for a lovely move to BC. The moving company went bankrupt and she had no way of finding the couple.
I said "I wonder if they are still together ?... they would love this back I bet. Let me put out a call on Facebook, post this picture and see if anyone might recognize them."
It was shared 83 times! A good friend of mine decided to do some sleuthing on her own based on the names signed on the card. She spent an entire morning piecing together a network of connections and relatedness and determined they were now in Ontario and then..... she figured out who they were!! She sent me their facebook pages and even got their phone number! Here they are today! Ed and Barb Stronks from Guelph Ontario!
I now have their address and will ship this off to them next week:) Crazy, it went from BC to Kingston then spent a few years in Nova Scotia and now will go back to Ontario! they are thrilled.The power of the internet!
love it -- I stop by here from time to time and I'm not sure I every comment but - I love your art works and this story is so - How shall I say without dating myself - as if I care. This story is so cool - this is why I love this internet place. It's enlightening and entertaining and educational and just so damned fun.