Sensational Snap Society e-course

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

July BOGO and other thinjgs.....

Hello! Welcome to July! Finally the weather has shifted and we are into warm and warmer territory. I bought an air conditioner this year! There is no getting away from it....the days are hotter. I am only going to use it on sultry nights that prevent sleep. I am a middle of the road gal when it comes to temps, not too hot and not too cold!

In other news..I've got a tiny feature in Uppercase Magazine!
One of the best ART magazines around! You can find it at most good  magazine shops. Here in Halifax, at the Atlantic News & Magazine Stand, they popped in a Local Feature banner! Anytime anyone nearby is mentioned in a publication they do this! Cool huh.
I've also been very busy working on the images for my 2020 CAT Calendar! I think this is it's 10th year. Wow .Hard to imagine.  You will be able to order it online at lulu Publishing when completed and they ship everywhere. I will let you know when it is available. This is December's image! PS it is also available for purchase so drop me a line if interested.in owning this, as is Fish Shack! Both 11 x 14" with chunky thick sides!
Farrago, a new shop in Lunenburg (159 Lincoln Street)  is now carrying some of my work. Prints, cards& postcards! Pop in if you ever visit the town. They have lots of other cool stuff too!
Tweet tweet! Little birdhouses have made an appearance!  What fun they are to to create, even if a bit fiddly.. I'm thinking of putting them in my Etsy shop but if you want one drop me a line.
YES! Buy one get one free! until July 25 in my Etsy shop, AliceinParis   Every print you purchase, enables you to get another one FREE! Purchase the print/prints you want and then at the checkout....you write me a note telling me which FREE print or prints you would like. So you purchase a print and then get another one free, but you tell me  in "notes to seller" at the checkout. Hooray!

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