This is how it began. Lowering the bird into a vat of boiling fat. Very big pot was used and everything had been carefully pre measured so they knew it would not boil over, the cause of most of the fires that occur doing this. It was also cooked outside, away from the deck and house.

Burbling nicely.

Ta dah, being lifted out of the oil.

It was delicious! Not greasy but crispy and very moist. Our hosts had also injected the meat inside with a marinade. The amazing thing is that it cooked in just 30 minutes!!! So there you have it:) Deep Fried Turkey:)
...glad you liked it. was it cookied by a man? i've noticed that it does seem to be a man thing...i guess the outside is their kitchen:) anyway, it looks yummy and turned out a beautiful color! mickey...i posted about your shop today too!
Hi, Shelagh! I've had deep fried turkey before and it was moist and delicious! Don't know that I'd try it at home, though! :-)
Wow. I want.
MMmm, drooling, that looks yummy!!!
My sister and her husband did that for the first time this year. My husband would love it...I'm a vegetarian. :)
I have seen this done before but have never had the experience of having turkey served that way. I bet it was unbelievable! Hope you had a wonderful Easter!
I had some deep fried turkey once and I was astonished how delicious it was. What on earth do you do with the oil afterwards, though?
My husband had an old friend who would cook it like that, then eat on it for a week. Kept it in the oven not the fridge...(Not recommended. I believe what saved the old guy was the liberal amount of whisky he used as a chaser.)
Ooh la la! Ok, so I've definitely heard of deep fried turkey, but never really pictured how it was done. Now I get it! It certainly looks better than my mom's super dry oven baked turkey that takes an entire day. I just may have to try this one day. Always an inspiration!
Congratulations on publishing your cookbook! And, lucky you to have experienced deep-fried turkey. I had it once and it was great!
deep fried turkey is soooo yummy!! :-)
It looks so good and cooked in only 30 minutes? -- WOW!
I thought this was a southern thing but here you all are deep frying a turkey up north in Nova Scotia!
I have never had deep fried turkey before - but have heard that it is truly good. They tend to do that in the South a lot.
How funny! I used to live in South Georgia and there was a lot of deep fried turkey happening! Deep fried everything actually.....including a disgusting fish called Mullet....deep fried mullet....oh yeah and chitterlings (eeewwww)at a festival called Swinetime!
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