Hidden Beach Cottage, original available on eBay
Friday! We are going to the Tattoo tonight. Something we try to do every year. I think it's the massed bagpipes that does it for me. Love them. I think the world is divided into those that adore and those that cannot abide them:)
Still great odds for getting a free Paul McCartney ticket.Not a single local has purchased a print :~) I've sold three but not to anyone near here:) Makes sense I suppose because most of the people reading this are from outside this area. Also, it has to be someone who would want to go and likes the kind of work I do. I know it is not everyone's cup of tea.
Enjoy the weekend!
Havea fun night!! Happy July 4th (even tho you're in Canada - :-0)
I adore your work ~ it is vivid and
alive and so fresh:)
I LOVE bagpipes! And your art, too! Your daughter's photo shoot pics turned out well. What fun!
I've been to Nova Scotia, and it was so beautiful there. I hope you had a wonderful Canada Day!
Best wishes from Wisconsin, USA,
sounds like a great night - hope you have a great time.
I wanna live right there! In that little house in your painting...
Love this painting. It is so pretty and happy looking.
Hi Shelagh: I have just purchased one of your "happy pictures" for a birthday gift. You can't look at your work without smiing. I hope to win the Paul McCartney ticket for my brother who is a great music fan...the odds are good. Come by someday for tea. Cheers, Marilyn
I love bagpipes! :-)
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