Barrington Street in Halifax. Used to be a bustling shopping and business area that has slowly been fading. I remember when the building with the turret ( the Khyber Building) housed a health food store and on the top floor was a small independent movie theatre. It has hosted lots of enterprises over the years. Many stores on the street have closed and gone but....... things ARE starting to change. I have a feeling that in a couple of years, this downtown street will be thriving again. What our central core lacks but is slowly reclaiming are places for people to live. We need it to become a neighborhood. Where there is life, there is energy:) There is so much potential here.

in other news..... my show went REALLY well! I am thrilled with the response and thanks to all of you who came out:) It is still up for another month so pop by and check it out.
Glad to hear your show went well. Who could resist your colorful creations? Our downtown is the same way. Slowly coming back to life with good restaurants and new a new baseball park.
I love the beaches in Nova Scotia, the cities..not so much. I think there is great opportunity to rebuild and make a downtown where people want to spend there weekends, out for dinner, shopping, etc. The old building are so beautiful its a shame that they are not be renovated.
I am hopeful that things are starting to change.
I'm glad your show went so well; I would have loved to have been there.
I remember that health food store -- the first in Hfx?? The first for me certainly. I can remember going in with my container and scooping up peanut butter!
I do hope that downtown Halifax rises from the ashes once again. It's a lovely city.
That top photo is really gorgeous. You should sell it to tourism nova scotia. It would make me want to see Halifax in a heart beat.
Glad the show went well. I hate to see old neighborhoods go downhill, and many have around here as well. Hopefully you are right and it will back bustling again.
I always find it sad when I come across what was obviously a bustling neighborhood at one time, now a shadow of it's days gone by. Glad to hear things are turning around...
and Congrats on the good showing!
I love Barrington Street. My grandmother used to work in a hat shop there many years ago.. what a dream job, eh? I used to live in Barrington Place and loved hearing the church bells ringing from the old churches. The streetcleaner noise everynight made me move though. It sounded like a space ship landing in my apartment every night. I love your photos.
Oh Shelagh, I am so glad to hear the show went well! I also do hope they do something with Barrington. That and with all the lots of rubble around, Halifax right now is a giant eyesore. It would be nice if they finally adding new stores and energy to the downtown core.
Glad your show went well, Shelagh. Love that top pic of Barrington! I think you're spot on about the upswing. It's coming - indeed, it's already started. Onwards and upwards! :-)
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