Left my car at the dealers and walked home in the drizzle after being serviced by Jamie Fraser. A pleasant experience. Yes, he is alive and well and working for GM. Who knew?
I should really be getting things ready for my trip and organizing biz things but instead I am sidetracked with the thoughts of making rhubarb syrup. Lots of it flourishing in my garden at the moment. My closets are suddenly calling me to purge and tidy, I want to look online for some walking clubs to join or maybe I should start my own, I have an urge to go through some stacks of old magazines and see if there is anything I want to save..... it is so odd. I have lots of things I SHOULD be doing and HAVE to do but I am suddenly wanting to do all kinds of OTHER things.
Ok, no more dithering, time to get started:)
Well the key to stay motivated is to just do something - anything - then you'll get fired up to do what you have to do. I recommend starting with your closets - it always inspires me to get moving on what I need to do :)
Sometimes a task can appear too big -- approach it in small increments and it will get done.
I hope you have a fabulous time in NYC!! Are you meeting any other NYC based bloggers? Wish I was available ..so sad to miss neeting you!
If it feels good, do it. That's what we said in the '70s, anyway.
Well if you can stand alittle more dithering around... stop at my place an pick up your award!
Wow - Jamie Fraser! Was he dreamy?
Blissful paws!
Gorgeous photos! Thanks for visiting my blog - and I'm so glad to find yours:) Looking forward to Taking Flight with you!
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