Looking for some summer fun? A little project to get you energized and creatively charged? My Sensational Snapshot Society photography e-course starts this Friday and runs for 6 weeks.
No technical "know how" needed, any camera will do, we are learning to see our surroundings in a new way. The goal is interesting pictures, fun projects, confidence and kindling a passion for photography. The world is out there ready to be captured! Who knows, you might just make some new pals along the way:)
Hello! Lovely to meet you!
i am your newest follower...and let me just say that it is so nice to meet a fellow artist/photographer.../ and I'm sure there's more we have in common.....
i do hope to get to know you better...and extend a warm invite to you....to join me over at my blog too!
i know we would get along marvelously! hehe....
ciao bella
creative carmelina
I took this ecourse last time it was offered. Lots of fun and I learned a lot. I highly recommend you take it.
I love the snap shot. Wish I had time to take your course. Maybe next time.
I really do need to take better pictures for my blog.
See you in fligh xo carol
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