Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Getting closer....

Halloween is almost here! I noticed that these guys are back again. They are in a different pose this year so I must pop by with my camera. Fun huh? I've got a pumpkin to carve but no skeletons to arrange:)
Love this holiday. As a child I remember the excitement and slight apprehension the night would bring. Unescorted, we would race door to door, trick or treating and within no time at all would be sweating, overheated and out of breath in our costumes. There was mystery in the air. A feeling of mischief. Lots of people about and you were never sure if that big person in the giant sheet was a friend or maybe someone sinister. Everybody was out on the streets and nobody looked familiar. Remembered warnings of teenagers that soaped windows and trailed toilet paper and people that did bad things kept us moving and made the night all the more appealing.
Word would get out that the blue house on the corner was giving out caramel apples and we would run over there before they were gone (back in the days when people did homemade treats), then the white house was giving out fake teeth and off we would go again. It was exhausting and thrilling. Our bags would get so heavy, our arms would be dragging, our make-up would be smeared and running or the inside of our masks dripping and slimy, costumes stepped on and ripped, pieces missing....it was all part of the fun. Staying out late and asking for treats at random houses, the best!
Then home we'd finally straggle and the sorting and comparing and trading began. Mom looking over things to make sure no razor blades were hidden. ( sad but true:) A week or two later, Halloween kisses, those sticky, chewy molasses candies would always be the last to go. I didn't really like them but ate them anyway because they were my last link to Halloween.....and.... they were candy.
Do any of these memories trigger yours?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Rainy Tuesday

I'm fighting a cold:( Know exactly where I got it too.*Looks at daughter*
It is raining and dark today and will be for the rest of the week.
Good staying in and getting better weather, bad going out and getting things done weather.
I have a physio appointment in an hour. Best get going.
What's your suggestion for beating a cold bug? Love collecting remedies for getting better and feeling good. What do you do when you feel low?
Monday, October 25, 2010
photo shoot

Isn't he adorable? Soon to be a big brother:) These are some of the pictures I took yesterday. It was the perfect Autumn morning.

Tammi is an accomplished portrait photographer. Her website is here

38 weeks pregnant! She and Adam are expecting another boy! Could be any time now. Kyle.

I must say I do enjoy taking pictures of smiling faces:)

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Autumn colour

Headed here this morning to take some family portraits for a friend! Long Lake. Gorgeous day today. I'm looking forward to it but am nervous as always before snapping portraits.
Just read that NS and PEI are the only places in Canada that have not had snow yet. Hope that stays the same for a good while! Not ready for snow at all.
Tonight I am hosting bookclub so after my photoshoot I plan on popping by Costco for some cheese. Mmmm cheese. They have the best prices. I will undoubtedly walk out with more than what I came for but one can always try to practice discipline.
and....Kristine won the quirky cookbooks!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
things change
My friend Marilyn posted this great link to an article by Molly Hoyne all about how the growth of the internet has changed blogging, how we are all marketing something... and how you should learn to read between the lines.
She has divided the bloogers into stereotypes and I would probably fit into Category 1, Domestic Goddess:) ( ha) Her words ring true. What you read here on my blog is only a fraction of my "real" world. The words and images I put on this page are what I want to tell you, not neccesarily what you want to know. I don't write about my headaches, my worries, my clothes getting a bit tight around the waist, the sink of dirty dishes and on and on.
I sit here and talk to you about the things that are pleasing me at the moment. Things I want to share. Not as much as I used to but still... I use this place as a bit of an escape, a place to slow down and enjoy what is interesting and good. Yes, I sell things here too. That is how I earn my living and thank goodness for the wonderful internet, linking me to all of you! It allows me to share my work with the world. Without it, I might have taken a different path.
Anyway...worth a read for sure!
Also worth visiting is Steve McCurry's blog. Enjoy his AMAZING photography! Latest post is mothers and their children from all over the world. He is the National Geographic photographer that took the picture of the Afghan girl with the stunning green eyes, many years ago.
-Steve McCurry
P.S. Leave a comment here to win two vintage cookbooks:)
She has divided the bloogers into stereotypes and I would probably fit into Category 1, Domestic Goddess:) ( ha) Her words ring true. What you read here on my blog is only a fraction of my "real" world. The words and images I put on this page are what I want to tell you, not neccesarily what you want to know. I don't write about my headaches, my worries, my clothes getting a bit tight around the waist, the sink of dirty dishes and on and on.
I sit here and talk to you about the things that are pleasing me at the moment. Things I want to share. Not as much as I used to but still... I use this place as a bit of an escape, a place to slow down and enjoy what is interesting and good. Yes, I sell things here too. That is how I earn my living and thank goodness for the wonderful internet, linking me to all of you! It allows me to share my work with the world. Without it, I might have taken a different path.
Anyway...worth a read for sure!
Also worth visiting is Steve McCurry's blog. Enjoy his AMAZING photography! Latest post is mothers and their children from all over the world. He is the National Geographic photographer that took the picture of the Afghan girl with the stunning green eyes, many years ago.
-Steve McCurry
P.S. Leave a comment here to win two vintage cookbooks:)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

James Beard. One of America's beloved chefs. These pics are from his book James Beard's Menus for Entertaining.......over 600 recipes. Published in 1965. I love the suggestions for pre-dinner drinks :) Ah yes, those were different times. Even the menu ideas are not what we are used to.

Why am I sharing this? Well, I have reached 400 followers! How amazing. To celebrate, I am going to give away this vintage book and another called Good Food from Small Kitchens by Moira Hodgson. 1985. She was the author of The New York Times Gourmet Shopper. Fun quirky stuff in that book too. I will also throw in some other goodies:) Yay, a giveaway!

All you have to do is leave a comment. You have until midnight on Friday. Please make sure I can contact you:) I will not hunt you down and then someone else will get these fun cookbooks!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
22 minutes

Had a fun evening last night...went to a taping of this show. It is produced here in Halifax. Crazy fun. This Hour has 22 Minutes. It will air tonight on CBC at 8:30. Some of the skits were hilarious. Fidel Castro and one with the Pope were particularily edgy. Hmmm, the things we get away with.
Thanks to Joe Howe and the freedom of speech.
Monday, October 18, 2010

Tea is Magic~print
I was all geared up to go to the gym but my leg has other ideas. I've somehow injured the back of my left knee. It has been very painful for a few weeks but I've soldiered on hoping for it to work itself out whatever "it' is. I think a trip to the doctor is in order.
The rest of the day will be spent preparing an order for Jennifer's of Nova Scotia. A lovely wee gift shop chock full of great things. I've made some Christmas Cards this year for them. Will also put some in my Etsy shop too.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
the day after...

Nocturne 2010 was a great success. All over the city there were throngs of people taking in the events and sights. We had a ton of people come through for photos. What a lot of fun! We were tired at the end of the evening but it was so worth it. My big disapointment was that I did not get a chance to see the sights. Next year I'll be a spectator. We did close a bit early, sorry to those of you who arrived hoping for a pic) and I took a detour on the way home to see some of the installations. This is daughter helping set up and having a bit of fun with costumes before the onslaught.

Saturday, October 16, 2010
Night Adventures

Last night I was invited to an opening reception at an exciting new wine bar in Halifax, Obladee. I think it will do well. I love that they are part of the new vangard, bringing Barrington Street back to life. It is situated on the corner of Sackville and Barrington. I will be writing more about it later:)
Tonight is Nocturne! Art everywhere! Hope you come out and get your photo taken at Love Me, Boutique tonight! Located next to Woozles on Birmingham Street. #55 in the brochure.

Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
October 14

Middle of October! We are right in the thick of it:) Crisp days, cool nights, sharp mornings... Pumpkins everywhere, bountiful apples, crackling leaves, dark starry nights, pots of soup, warm pies, fresh air and perfect walks... love it!

"There is something in October that sets the gypsy blood astir,
We must rise and follow her;
When from every hill of flame,
She calls and calls each vagabond by name."- Bliss Carmen

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Nocturne 2010

This is a preview of Friday night's Nocturne PhotoBooth at Love, Me Boutique on Birmingham Street. They are one of the venues participating in Nocturne 2010. If you are in Halifax on Saturday night, you too can have a picture like this. Pop in and have some fun! I will be snapping all night long! Props will be available. These were the test run:) That is my daughter above and Chara the proprietor is below:)

Nocturne is an evening of "art at night" October 16 from 6pm-midnight. There are dozens and dozens of events happening all over the city, inside and outside. Programs are available so you can plan your route. You can download one from their website. Galleries are open late. It is quite an event!

The photobooth pictures will uploaded to a website and available for download next week. I think they are silly fun!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Canadian Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving up here in the Northern half of America. Don't know why they are celebrated on different days. I like that ours is early, gives us time to recover for the big Christmas meal in two months. I bought a small 11 pound turkey and it is defrosting nicely I write. Tomorrow I will cook our meal, probably for a late lunch. Turkey and all the trimmings! Love it. Pumpkin pie for dessert. Thanksgiving is not a holiday we celebrated much growing up. I come from a Scottish family and it was not something that was familiar. I do like the idea of a holiday for gratitude and now embrace it.
Last night I watched an Alfred Hitchcock film that I'd not see before. Strangers on a Train (1951) what a great flick. I hadn't meant to watch it but was flicking through the TV channels looking for today's weather before heading to bed and got so engrossd in it that I stayed until the end! Raymond Chandler wrote the screenplay. The cinematography was compelling. So crisp and interesting. Because the image is in black and white, composition and lighting take on extraordinary importance. The skill blew me away. I just popped over to wikipedia to discover more and actually, I just learned that Strangers on a Train was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Black and White Cinematography, which was performed by Robert Burks. Worth watching if just for that!
Today is a crisp, golden, beautiful one! Hope the sun is shining where you are and if it isn't.... find yourself a good book and curl up with it for a bit.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Moroccan Red Lentil Soup

So, the weather has turned deliciously cool and crisp and my thoughts turn to soup! This is a yummy one I discovered over at Canadian Living. I adore red lentils although really, they do turn golden when cooked. This soup is quick and easy and makes a giant pot. Serves 8. I made a few substitutions and added more spice. Had it for lunch today. Love the crunch/pop of the green peas. Don't cook until they are mush.
Morrocan Red Lentil Soup.
2 Tbsp Olive Oil or Canola (25 ml)
2 Onions, chopped
5 cloves of Garlic, minced
2 Celery stalks, chopped
(1 Carrot ,chopped.....my addition)
1 tsp Pepper ( 5ml)
1 1/2 tsp Turmeric (6 ml)
1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon ( 6ml)
2 tsp ground Cumin ( 10 ml)
1 tsp fresh Ginger grated or 1/2 tsp. ground (2ml)
salt to taste
6 cups of water or stock (1.5L)( if using water add some low sodium bullion cubes)
1 cup Red Lentils (250ml)
1 Tsp Tomato Paste (15ml)
2 Potatoes peeled and cubed( I used one regular and one Sweet Potato) ( Can also use Squash instead of potatoes)
1 can stewed Tomatoes (19oz/540ml)
1 cup frozen Peas( 250ml)
1/4 cup Sour Cream ( I used non-fat Balkan yogurt)
2 Tbsp parsley(25ml)
1. In large heavy saucepan or Dutch oven, heat oil over medium heat; cook onions, garlic and celery, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 5 minutes.
2. Add salt, pepper, turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, ginger, and saffron (if using); cook, stirring often, for 2 minutes.
3. Add water/stock, lentils, tomato paste, potatoes and tomatoes, breaking up tomatoes with spoon; bring to boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 40 minutes.
4. Add frozen peas; simmer until peas are cooked, about 5 min. Ladle into bowls. Dollop each with sour cream; sprinkle with parsley.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
22 Tips to Help Make Every Day a Good One

1. Sit quietly in a chair every day for 15 minutes with NO distractions.
2. Floss. Very important this one. Not flossing linked to all kinds of unpleasant things. Keep several containers of it around the house, next to your bed, near TV/comuter, in your purse/briefcase. That way you have a better chance of getting it done. It only takes 30 seconds. Really no reason not to do it.
3. Give someone a compliment or/and do a good deed daily.
4. Get out and WALK every day for 30 minutes, if you don't have 30 then 15.
5. Make good choices. Every good choice you make reinforces other good choices. Only you know what the better choice is.
6. Take a vitamin pill and if you live in the Northern US or in Canada pop a vitamin D.
7. Do some daydreaming
8. Call your mom or someone close to you every day just to say hi.
9. Drink a full glass of water. More is better but one is great.
10. Make sure your kitchen is clean each night.
11. Have something to look forward to. Make plans to get together with a friend.
12. Think twice before you buy anything.
13. Make your bed
14. Smile
15. Avoid comparisons.
16 Say thank-you like you MEAN it.
17. Have a goal. If you don't have any, make one, or two or three....
18 Eat some greens. Have a salad.
19. Stop and admire the things that please you.
20. Stretch
21. Suck in your belly button each time you think of it:) Hopefully it is several times a day:)
22.Try not to worry.....
“Worry is like a rocking chair--it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere."
"Worry often gives small things a BIG shadow"
Anything to add? Please feel free to pass this on.
p.s. The picture above is Halifax in the distance.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Colours of Autumn

So pretty....... This looks like swirls of paint.
Poppytalk is having a colours of autumn week on Flickr. Tomorrow's colour is red. Join in:)
Speaking of Autumn, look what I just purchased! It's a great buy. I've ALWAYS wanted an enameled cast iron casserole/dutch oven but they have always been out of my league price wise. The 5 qt one is 67% off. Regularly priced at $150!!! The sale ends tomorrow. Good old Canadian Tire. Stay tuned for some great slow cooked dishes:) A bit pathetic, really, to get so excited about a pot!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Postcrossing anyone?

These are the new postcard packs I have been working on! Packs of 8 with 4 different images. They are 4.25 inches by 5.5 inches and have a glossy face.

Eat, Create, Trudge and a Mix pack. I will be doing more. There are two of each image in the packs. My daughter is a Postcrossing fanatic and has already comandeered some of these. They are available in my shop, and locally at Love,Me Boutique on Birmingham St. next to Woozles.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Torrential downpour out there at the moment.
This weather is freaky. We've been having a heatwave in October, with high humidity. Feels like we are living on the Equator. Tomorrow a cold front moves in and the temps will be lower than usual for this time of year. I guess there is no such thing as normal anymore.
Off to look for some craft supplies. Don't know why I have waited until Saturday. The shops will be crowded.
My postcard packs look great. Will show you soon! Excited about them and the calendars look terrific. Order one soon if you are planning on sending it as a gift overseas. Remember they can be shipped to whereever you want them to go.
Hope to make some lentil soup later. I like having a pot of something I can warm up without fuss. Easy lunches.
Have a great Saturday:)
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