A picture of the beginnings of one of my green smoothies.
I plop in all sorts of things. Usually whatever I have in the fridge. Main component being kale or spinach or parsley or something green. I put in tomato, carrot, banana, berries, cuke, even a bit of broccoli sometimes! Whatever I have. I load it up and then enjoy my thick pureed drink. Since I started making my veggie drinks, I now get cravings for them!
I saw the documentary Forks Over Knives and was really intrigued with all the data. I am now incorporating more green and less animal, eventually no animal. There was also a special show on CNN called "The Last Heart Attack" with Dr. Sanjay Gupta that also promoted the benefits of a plant based no added oil diet . President Clinton was on and he is now, after all his heart problems following exactly that and has never felt better.
Actually there is a ton more that I would like to tell you about but I have to dash off to the market. Do you make green smoothies?