Did you miss me? My computer was struck down with a virus and had to visit the computer hospital. I still don't have my photo uploader software installed yet so this is picture of the Tangled Gardens gate from the archives.
Wolfville! That's where I was today. Mum and I drove up in the morning and we had a great day poking about and of course popped into our favourite antique haunt, The Red Barn in Port Williams. Four floors of fascinating stuff. I'll show you some pics in a day or so. I purchased a tiny daguerrotype picture of a young woman. I was transfixed by her hair.

Isn't it remarkable. Through the magic of scanning, I've reproduced her to a much much larger size and I can now see how young she is and pretty! Her eyes are lovely and she has a charming freckled face. We can even see a stray strand of hair on the left that has escaped her "do". The pink cheeks are added to the original picture which is only about 2 inches high, tiny really.. I was just thinking that maybe no one has seen her like this for maybe 100 years. I just happened to find her wee picture in a random pile. I would LOVE to know more about her but alas.....
In other news...my large whale painting in Mahone Bay Trilogy Gallery sold! Always exciting. Would love to know where it 's new home will be.
And....I've been asked to participate in Big Day Downtown again... a $100 VISA gift card was handed to me and a few other lucky bloggers at a lovely soiree held at The Middle Spoon last week. A place I will definitely visit again.This time the Big Day Downtown has to be something I've never done before so I am excited about exploring various possibilities and blogging about it. Maybe a tattoo???? Nah.
Here is what I did last time round. Halifax is such a great city! Read Part 1, 2 & 3
Oh and I just had a give away on my FACEBOOK ART page, so if you don't want to miss any future fun, pop over and "like" it:)
Hi, I am kind of a new follower to your blog. I love your pics and your whale painting is soo great! Love it.
Your whale painting is SO delightful. No surprise that some discerning person took it home.
Glad you were able to fix your computer, Shelagh!
This is an intresting photo. The young woman's hair style is certainly very elaborate. She has a sad look in her eyes.
I missed you! That lady is lovely! Nice find.
Port Williams - my absolute favourite place in the world! Never been into the Red Barn though. Must remedy that on the next visit....
Glad your whale painting sold - we covetted it when we were in Lunenburg but sadly, decided it would not fit in the suitcase!
And by Lunenburg, I of course meant Mahone Bay!
ILOVE YOU WORK and this blog! I covet your work.
Sweet whale painting!
The woman in the picture is likely to have been what was know in the 1800s as a "soiled dove." Her hair coloring is clearing not her natural color and the rather sheer material of her clothing make this most likely. Just a thought;
That young woman has a very familiar face. She may of course be of Scottish/Irish stock which would explain a lot. However I'm sure I know a specific person who looks just like that - who? My memory escapes me!
Nice work, as always!
That hair... .How right you are. There's a whole whale-of-a-world tucked underneath the impressive 'poof.'
Lovely post.
very good to see
Lots of good things are happening for you! Congratulations on selling your whale painting! And the gift card is a nice suprise, eh? And daguerreotype IS a good find! The woman looks so sad - perhaps she is reconsidering her unfortunate hair style? Imagine if her hair was a vibrant Scottish red, though. How beautiful would that be?
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