A picture of the beginnings of one of my green smoothies.
I plop in all sorts of things. Usually whatever I have in the fridge. Main component being kale or spinach or parsley or something green. I put in tomato, carrot, banana, berries, cuke, even a bit of broccoli sometimes! Whatever I have. I load it up and then enjoy my thick pureed drink. Since I started making my veggie drinks, I now get cravings for them!
I saw the documentary Forks Over Knives and was really intrigued with all the data. I am now incorporating more green and less animal, eventually no animal. There was also a special show on CNN called "The Last Heart Attack" with Dr. Sanjay Gupta that also promoted the benefits of a plant based no added oil diet . President Clinton was on and he is now, after all his heart problems following exactly that and has never felt better.
Actually there is a ton more that I would like to tell you about but I have to dash off to the market. Do you make green smoothies?
I tried the whole green smoothie thing but it doesn't work for me I make smoothies all the time but I also live on salads. Combining the two just isn't for me but for busy on-the-go women like yourself, I totally get it.
Good for you Shelagh! The more fruits and veggies the better. That's my focus and then a little treat here and there. Are you going vegetarian though? So challenging but I know if helps a lot of people. Just didn't work for me.
we don't do smoothies (don't have a blender), but we did recently buy a juicer. have just started using it, but already love it. i haven't seen that doc, but it's on my list (will check it out when it gets to Netflix). we made a major diet change about 6 months ago. have gone pescetarian and eat a lot of fresh food now. feel WAY better. :)
I do. I am doing my best to stay healthy by avoiding animal products, sugar and eating more fruit and veggies. I don't care for meat so it is not hard for me. My daughter is a vegetarian so I cook for her sometimes and love the results. I loved your post today. Stay healthy.
I have a green smoothie every morning and love them, too, and I do understand the cravings, too. A week ago today, I had a fell blender container of green smoothie, and walked in to my sitting room to sit down to enjoy it, only I dropped the container just before I got to the chair!!! I cannot tell you the extent of damage! Needless to say, the rug and furniture "disaster specialists" are $321 richer and I still have a handmade quilt to work green stains out of. I'm a bit more careful these days!!
Awesome! I think its great people are realizing that a plant based diet is better for their health and the planet.I finally convinced my dad that milk was not good for him , he has now switched to almond milk after 62 years! Smoothies are a great kick start to the morning!
looks delicious
Suzie~ I'm trying but I keep slipping up:)
Marilyn~ You will enjoy the film, SO interesting! Lots to think about. Congrats on the new way of eating.
Deb~ Being aware of what we eat is half the battle.I love veggies:)
CapeCodKitty~!!! What a tale of woe! Glad it did not put you off them,lol.
Kirsten~ I'm using almond milk in my tea now too!
Dean~ It was:)
Your picture is stunning! It took me a few seconds to figure out what it was...love the colors. I do fruit smoothies but haven't done a green one yet. Just might have to give it a try.
This looks beautiful AND delicious!!
Yum, yum, YUM! That looks so good! You've really inspired me with these healthy posts.
what a gorgeous shot! who knew the inside of a blender can be so pretty!
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