Sensational Snap Society e-course

Saturday, September 11, 2010

gift of jewels

I was at the post office this morning, sending off some mail and picking up a small mystery package. Don't you love those? This is what I received:.
Wrapped in brilliant lime green tissue was some lovely sandlewood incense, an incense burner, a cascade of glittery hearts, and one wee jewel! Thanks Melanie! It took me back to my hippie ways:)
Also, thanks go to to Se'lah at Necessary Room for organizing the gift of jewels. A lovely idea.This is my first time participating. Love getting fun stuff in the mail. Don't we all?


  1. your package brings out my inner hippie ;) i love it!!!

    thanks so much for participating and for donating the spot in your e-course. that was just wonderful.

    you have a heart of gold.


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