Sensational Snap Society e-course

Sunday, September 12, 2010

They're here!

Look what I saw at the grocery store. A huge display of pumpkins! Summer is officially over.Now we can move on to muffins and soups and stews and hot chocolate:) Click on the pics for some pumpkin recipes. One of my occasional "go to" sites.


  1. Today it's raining here and it is finally starting to feel like Autumn...I love your pumpkins photographs, and the recipe site is awesome Thank you Shelagh
    Happy pumpkin season ;-)

  2. I LOVE pumpkins. I love carving them for Halloween!
    Do you know of any local pumpkin pie filling that you can get around here? Maybe I should check out the market next weekend....

  3. It is starting to feel like autumn.

  4. I like the photos. Pumpkin for me is more a decorative object rather then food. Beautiful object))

  5. Its the same for us in the Pacific Northwest. Lovely blog you have here. Hope you can drop by My Dream Canvas!


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