Sensational Snap Society e-course

Monday, February 20, 2012

Good value

Often the best things can be really inexpensive. I chew up paint brushes at a tremendous rate. It was something that never crossed my mind before I started painting. I guess I just figured that you had your brushes and used them forever:) Nope. These are from the dollar store and I love them. Sturdy and colourful, they are wee work horses.They came in a pack of  five I think. Of course there are some gorgeous brushes out there for a price but sometimes, less will do just fine.

Some things are free! This is a sunrise from the Seaport Market last month.  Beautiful! 
Don't forget...my  Sensational Snap Shot Society course starts on Friday. Only $45! Join us:)


  1. Lovely sunset and is that a lighthouse in the background? Beautiful!

  2. I like those colorful paint brushes, Shelagh!

    The sunset is magnicicent!

  3. These photos are beautiful. And those brushes are gorgeous, indeed. I'm very tempted to joint he snapshot class soon.

  4. No wonder you paint like you do.. You live in such a beautiful place, very inpirational! Reminds me quite a lot of the town I was born in, here in Denmark. I love the sea. A sunset over the ocean is sooo very beautiful <3


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