Sensational Snap Society e-course

Thursday, February 23, 2012

happy lists

Bleargh, I have been battling a sinus infection. I am finally winning but I hate not being 100% don't you? When I'm feeling like this I always have an urgent desire to clean up clutter, finally organize those photos, pare down my closet, go through my books and clear out , etc. etc...I think it's because I am lying around looking at all that stuff and being reminded that it should all be done and though I am not really doing anything else, I don't have the energy to tackle those tasks. Sheesh, and as soon as I feel better, off I go doing all the other things! Oh well. one day..

This picture was taken in Grand Pre, Nova Scotia. I was at the quaint Evangeline Motel Cafe  looking across to the old gas station. I always pop in anytime I am in the area for a cup of tea and some pie.They bake the best pies, with fresh valley fruit. Ah summer, not too far away now.

Here's a little list of a few things I enjoy... to cheer myself up and maybe get you thinking of yours:) I love these kind of lists, never ending...
* Being the first one awake in the morning and having the house to myself
* Being the last one up and having a wonderful breakfast waiting for me that I did not have to lift  a finger for.
* Purring cats
* Smiling dogs
* The sound of a cork popping (called "cloop")
* The smell of lilacs, basil, lily of the valley, ground coffee, salt spray, bacon cooking (as a new vegan, I STILL love it, might be the downfall of me yet), turkey roasting ( I know I know), the smell of pavement in the summer after a fresh rainfall, sheets after they've been dried outside on a windy sun filled day....
* New pens and paper and books
* Noticing something for the first time in a place I have been many times before and marveling that I never noticed it before. 
* The shock of cold when you first dip your bare foot into the Atlantic. Makes you come alive!

Ok that's enough for now, remembering things I like always puts me in a good frame of mind. You too?

My photography course starts tomorrow! Friday! Looking forward to it. You can join up too! Click HERE


  1. Stupid sinus infections. I'm glad you're getting yours licked! (Sorry, that did not sound right.)

    I agree with every single one of your happy things, although I rarely get to dip my toe into the Atlantic.... the Muskoka River is rather chilly at this time of year, if that's any consolation. And fresh sheets from the clothesline? Hmmmmmm.... am inhaling with a smile on my face just thinking about it.

    Have fun teaching your course! Your photo of the flowers is GORGEOUS.

  2. What a refreshing post - although I'm sorry to hear that you are getting over a sinus infection. The photograph of a summer's day has me smiling, though. Those flowers, that blue sky, the description of the Evangeline Motel Cafe has me daydreaming of summer. Ahhh! Grande Pre sounds beautiful. One day I'll drive up to your part of the world. I have only heard good things about Nova Scotia.

    And you list is very similar to what my list would be. Lots of good stuff listed there.

  3. You made me feel and smell summer. Can't wait, even though the winter has been tame compared to the one in Saskatchewan last year. I would add to my list, the feel of new fabric, and the start of a new quilt. Stitching of any kind makes me feel good. AND, the reason we moved half way across the country. The sound of my four year old grandson, Gramma?
    Hope the sinus infection disappears soon. Haven't been plagued with that problem since our move here where the air is moist all the time.

  4. Ick, sinus infections are horrible. Hope you keep mending up speedily!

    I am not vegan but I am pretty close to being a vegetarian and I have discovered the world of coconut bacon.

    Ok, it sounds weird but you google coconut bacon recipes and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
    I jumped on the bandwagon and have my own version of it to suit our tastebuds, I call it Smokonut, since it's smokey coconut. All crunchy and salty and deliciously smokey...mmmm

    Stuffed between some pieces of bread with avocado and tomato and veganaise....you'd hardly notice any bacon-y difference. Plus since it's a million times healthier than bacon you can keep crunching away with no guilt...
    I posted my version of a coconut bacony treat on my google plus page, including reference to the original recipe that inspired mine.

    Anyhoo, feel better!

    smiles form me Tracey

  5. Pens, paper and books always hold a special appeal to me! Daily corgi and kitty smiles are next in line!
    And then of course there are so many new things to discover along the ocean shore...
    What a beautiful photo and thank you for sharing!

  6. Reading your happy lists make me happy! We all like so many of the same things. Thinking of them for a moment kind of makes you re-live each pleasure doesn't it.xo

  7. now that's a happy photo - especially on Feb 25th here in Nova Scotia - much love Susan + Gang.

  8. When I get sick, I can always be heard to say, at least once, "I HATE BEING SICK!" But I love your list of happy things. I like most of those, too. The only ones I don't like are the one's I haven't tried, yet.

    Anyway, get better soon.


  9. Your photography is just stunning- so full of color and beautiful attention to detail and expression. Very inspiring and uplifting- so glad to have discovered your blog!


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