Monday, October 18, 2010


Tea is Magic~print
I was all geared up to go to the gym but my leg has other ideas. I've somehow injured the back of my left knee. It has been very painful for a few weeks but I've soldiered on hoping for it to work itself out whatever "it' is. I think a trip to the doctor is in order.
The rest of the day will be spent preparing an order for Jennifer's of Nova Scotia. A lovely wee gift shop chock full of great things. I've made some Christmas Cards this year for them. Will also put some in my Etsy shop too.


YogaNan knits, too... said...

Do yourself a favor and have that leg checked out--you could do more damage by working out with a body part that is trying to tell you something. I'm a yoga therapist, and help people with this stuff all the time.

aliceinparis said...

Hi YogaNan, Thanks! I have an appointment now and did not go to the gym:)

Sonja said...

Just yesterday I realized that it will soon be time to start working on our annual family newsletter and picture. This also means selecting holiday cards, and what I can see of yours, they look pretty good. Let us know when they're in your etsy shop!

Deb said...

Is "Tea is Magic' a print or a card?It's great!

aliceinparis said...

Hi Deb, it is a print:)