"Thank you, Thank you very much!" Another year older and wiser. Elvis would have been 77 today! And.....who knew? There's a Graceland Cam!!!
I wanted to share my blog space today with readers and friends on this birthday of mine and I asked people to send me links to their favourite posts! Here they are, sad, happy, beautiful, touching and silly!.......enjoy.
I wanted to share my blog space today with readers and friends on this birthday of mine and I asked people to send me links to their favourite posts! Here they are, sad, happy, beautiful, touching and silly!.......enjoy.
This is a wonderful HEARTWARMING story about a dog named Chip, big thanks to Karen for making it happen:) First read this. 2nd read this and the happy conclusion!
Cathy Oliffe-Webster is a writer and the Muskoka River Blog is her spot on the internet, this is her HAPPY story about Ralph Fournier and the home of the giant sugared doughnut!
Sara, a lovely artist friend who has had a few challenges last year shares a walk on the BEACH with us.
Susan is another artist friend who lives in an old brick house in a little village by the sea with the love of her life. Here are some STUNNING images of her world.
Sabrina is in Scotland to going to vetrinarian school. Here is the story about her love for Vermont she wanted me to post today.
Marian has asked that I post a link to Mark's POIGNANT blog about his wife's valiant battle with a rare brain tumour. Marian set up the blog so Mark could share with his family and friends.
My friend Alice is a writer who lives on a narrowboat in England! She writes a lovely post here describing a quiet morning in her LIFE on the water...
Sarah over at Yes and Yes has an absolutely WONDERFUL post to share today about How to Create an Amazing Group of Friends! Really, everybody should read this! Who couldn't use a few more really great friends?
" I've made this bundt cake countless times since and I think it's the best thing to come out of my kitchen - ever! I'm a sucker for the mixture of buttermilk, cardamom and cranberries, not to mention the amazing aroma it leaves in the house for days afterward. Aside from my niece and nephew, I didn't buy any presents for anyone this Christmas; I just made everyone their own bundt :)"
With no further adieu, I give you Aimee's Spiced Cranberry Buttermilk Bundt Cake!!!!!
Sandy writes a FUNNY essay about women's shapes and sizes...fruit salad anyone?
My artist friend Daina shares the story of her BEAUTIFUL mural for Lululemon

Suzie does battle with a Blueberry Pie from hell! Funny and DELICIOUS
Snap wanted to share pictures of her cats Cassie and Teddy!
love, love, Sarah's How to Create an Amazing Group of Friends.
Susan's photos are amazing!
happy birthday to you!
I've been following Suzie the Foodie's blog for a while now and really enjoy her recipe processes and reviews!
As you have shared Aimee's blog, I now have another yummy blog to follow.
Thanks so much for sharing on your birhday, Shelagh. I hope your day as well as 2012 are as wonderful as you are!!
Great idea for an activity on your birthday ... I couldn't resist clicking on the gorgeous photo by Alice Griffin and then when I found out she lives on a very small boat with her husband and daughter, I couldn't stop reading about her life. It's "other worldly".
Thanks for sharing the stories!
Happy birthday, Shelagh! I'm glad you followed up Suzie's blueberry pie from hell with Snap's heavenly cats!
First ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
I don't think I can pick just one favorite. They are all beautiful, fun, yummy .... in many different ways. But ... How to Create an Amazing Group of Friends and Aimee's bundt cake .... start the list!
Happy Birthday Shelagh! Great stories and thanks so much for including me, that is so generous. Hugs!
Happy Birthday Shelagh! Lovely post...it's great to be introduced to such a variety of bloggers. Loved visiting Alice on her narrowboat...I'll have to live my dreams of England through her!
we loved them all birthday girl!! Who would have thought...Elvis cam...but, Chip has a special place in our heart with his story.
tail wags for a fantastic year ahead.
Happy Birthday Shelagh!... and what a great post, thank you for including me. Now I'll go visit the others...
Happy Birthday Shelagh! Thank you for all the links to such wonderful blogs ... and of course, thank you for including little ole' me! Hugs to you xxx
Happy birthday, Shelagh! Thanks for sharing all these fascinating links! And photos...
Cheers, Maureen (now in Toronto, having left St Andrews for the bright lights of the city.... Mainly our grandchildren)
You can still reach me at maureen (a) kingsbraegarden.com, should I be among the fortunate few
You have a wonderful group of friends on this blog Shelagh. I haven't anything to share today..lots of stress at home with youngest daughter. I miss Canada today.
By the way "bk" is me, Betsy Kennedy :)
I just dropped by to say happy happy birthday - not in a place to share but will be checking all those links out!
Enjoy your day - and know that i am thankful foor your friendship
ah, dang it all... i had a nice long comment but wasn't signed in to wp and when i came back, it was all gone.
i'm checking out yes and yes, Aging Disgracefully (LOVE that name) and Suzie The Foodie's blueberry pie adventure (been there - look forward to reading someone else's experience).
Blog sharing was a wonderful idea. I hope you have a fantastic birthday and that 2012 is generous to you!!
and it's effini (at) yahoo.com
Happiest birthday, Shelagh! Thank you so much for including me in your wonderful round-up and in such excellent company!
I hope your birthday weekend was full of wonderful people, great food, and beautiful memories!
I am honored to own one of Sara's glass window and I had her make one for my daughter for Christmas and I'm pretty sure I'll commission her to make me another one this year. I'm in love with her work.
So many wonderful links. You are always so generous in sharing others talent. Happy Happy Birthday
I felt the calm of Fanciful Alice's quiet morning on the water. They were all great posts.
I've been visiting your blog for quite awhile, Shelagh, and always enjoy your adventures and art. Happy New Year!
How to choose just one? Impossible! So many talented people, such great content...many new bookmarks for me!
Hope it has been a fab day for you.
Wonderful way to celebrate your birthday Shelagh! I'm always fascinated by blogging and wish I was creative enough to start one! :) Someday! Love the photos and stories people submitted.
Happy, happy birthday & thanks for the mention much love xo Susan & les gang
Happy (belated) Birthday!
Thanks for sharing all of these wonderful links. Some of them I was already familiar with, and others were brand new to me! I think my new fav now is Susan's - all of the pictures were so beautiful, and I loved her etsy shop.
Happy Birthday! I'm sorry I missed your actual day but this way it just lasts longer! So happy to know you for the past year! You deserve a fantastic birthday, so do everything you love to do!
Thanks you so much for your visits and kind birthday comments! I will be drawing a name later tonight:)
Loved reading the blog by Alice who lives on a narrowboat in England. I am deathly afraid of large bodies of water and the way she is one with water is very inspiring to me.
weezie33 at hotmail dot com
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