Coming up to the 18K mark. For the half marathoners, it is getting hard. The half marathon is about 21 K/13miles so this is just about 3 k left to go. For the full marathoners, it is almost half way.

Just past the 18 k water station

This crazy guy ran the half marathon pulling a rickshaw!! He even had enough oomph to click his heels in the air as he passed me at the 20k mark:)

There are people of all ages and sizes. The day before the official Bluenose Marathon they have the "kids run"(5K) and there were hundreds of school children registered for that too. It is promoted through out the school system and they train for it.

Clapping on a walker:) One of the great things about this race is the support for the participants all along the route. People cheering and encouraging them on. It does make a difference.

Two happy volunteers, the one on the right happens to be my daughter! Well done:)
The volunteers are well taken care of. Pre-race reception earlier in the week, t shirt, lovely nylon bag, fleece blanket, small packaged raincoat, offers of food/water from cycling support team and a big party in the evening. This year they had over 1000 people to help out and they could have used more.
How inspiring... and what a beautiful daughter! Inside and out.
I saw that guy with the rickshaw and wondered if he was in fact doing an event. He was!
the guy in the rickshaw passed us at the beginning of the 10k, i just thought that he was making sure that a photographer got some good shots throughout the course ... until i was sitting in the metro centre and saw him cross the finish line on the jumbotron! crazy guy!
What a spectacular looking race...they are always so very inspiring whether you are out doing the run or volunteering. My human mom has done the PEI Marathon and should keep this one in mind for the future.
Tail Wags to All.
Great event and I applaud all who ran/walked and the volunteers who gave their time and encouragement!
H looks so pretty!
I give people credit that can run like that. I can't run to the corner and back! Although I think I would prefer running to walking since I am always in a hurry. Matt is thinking about doing a mountain run. That would definitely not be for me.
Congrats to all the runners and the very sweet looking volunteers!
That looks brilliant! It is the Edinburgh Marathon (and Hairy Haggis Relay for teams of 4) on 31st May and for the second year I will be marshalling at the finish, pulling timing chips of exhausted runners and feeding them jelly babies. The jelly babies make me very popular! I can recommend volunteering to anyone - it's like taking part in the run without all that pesky running!
Love the photos! My daughter ran the Chicago Marathon last year and it nearly killed ME! Trying to run around Chicago from area to area, catching the "L" and maneuvering through the crowds was insane. Never again! I'm thinking more like "spa" weekends!
I applaud those who can do it however!
Congratulations to you for participating! It looks wonderful and I bet it felt good to be a part of it all.
I am way behind in blog visits so I just wanted to say hi and let you know I was thinking of you. I'll probably be by a lot more next week, writing too much and pestering you, while I'm waiting in hospital waiting rooms. Have lots to do this week. I'm off to read what else I've missed with you and everyone else. Hope it's a good week for you!
I love your blog. I found it through Mickey's blog. I know I will be stopping back often! I will be doing my first race - triathlon in less than 3 weeks and looking at your photos just gave me such a boost of "I can do it!" Thank you for sharing! Have a wonderful evening.
Joan Nichols
PS I am also an artist and I love your work!
That IS inspiring! It's great that there was such a good turnout. Was it a charity run? If so, for what charity? And hurray for your daughter for volunteering!
Hi, Shelagh! Great photos. Your daughter is gorgeous! Can't believe the guy pulling the rickshaw! :-)
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